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Happiness Isn't An Innate Skill

Happiness isn't an innate skill that someone is born with; it's a habit we get to cultivate every single day.

Every single person can learn and grow the happiness skill.

We just need to understand its roots well enough:

- Discipline

- Workout

- Meaningful work

- Strong bonds

- Continuous learning

- Authenticity

- Gratitude

1. Discipline around what is meaningful to you is important to define, strategize around and take action.

Structure provides enough predictability to create a happy life.

Too many uncertainties can paralyze you.

While complete certainty is too boring.

2. Our bodies were meant to move.

Movement strengthens muscles, improves blood flow and creates energy for a zestful life.

3. Doing meaningful work that has external impact brings internal joy.

4. Having strong relationships to fall back on and share love, laugher and life with are crucial to a joyful life.

We're social creatures at the end of the day.

5. Growth mindset allows human beings to view the world with curiosity.

Curiosity is an important trait to feel deep joy through sparking interesting conversations.

Those that have too many conclusions about everything are intellectually unattractive.

6. Authenticity is about aligning your internal self with how you show up externally.

If you don't have to play a character or put on a mask, you're showing up as your authentic self. Alignment of internal and external creates harmony necessary for happiness.

7. Gratitude - the joy of enough.

Recognition of what's present in your life from time to time has a profound impact on deep satisfaction.

Ever feel how blessed you are to have the things you do?

Remember how badly you once wanted them?

Gratitude is a deep awareness around what you have.

Complaining less is the first step towards gratitude.

The tenets of happiness can be cultivated.

They require intention, awareness and a bias towards action.

Simple steps.

Start small.

Start today.

What's stopping you from feeling happy today?

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